Movement lesson was developed by American Michelle Turner. I have completed the training so I can call myself a “Movement Lesson” practitioner. Surf to for more information.
Movement Lesson for everybody
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Movement lesson can be done from your first to your last day. It works on the neuroplasticity of your brain. Neuroplasticity has been around in the scientific world for some time. In 1948 the Polish neuroscientist Jerzy Konorski already described changes in the neurostructure of the brain. In 1960 it was discovered that neurons can regroup in response to trauma.
Since we all have a brain, we can influence it using Movement Lesson.
Dus kom gerust eens langs voor een Movement Lesson en ervaar hoe plastisch jouw brein is.
‘What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains. What I’m after is to restore each person to his human dignity’.
Moche Feldenkrais
What is neuroplasticity?
Neuroplasticity means that the nervous system is able to change its own structure and function. It allows neurons to reshape, both anatomically and functionally, and create new synaptic connections. Neuroplasticity in a simple sense means the brain's capacity to recover from trauma as well as to restructure. This adaptive ability of the nervous system can restore the brain after illness or injury.
What is the Feldenkrais method?
Feldenkrais begon met het onderzoeken van bewegingspatronen. Zo observeerde hij ook zijn eigen bewegingspatroon om subtiele verschillen waar te nemen. Hij had een pijnlijke knieblessure waardoor hij nog amper kon stappen. Dit heeft hem verplicht om anders te leren bewegen. Zo is zijn methode ontstaan. Na een opleiding van 4 jaar ben ik een gecertificeerde Feldenkrais practitioner.
Wat is Movement Lesson?
As mentioned before, Movement Lesson is based on the Feldenkrais method. Both methods work on the neuroplasticity of the brain. Movements are initiated in the body that have been forgotten by the nervous system due to trauma or incorrect movement patterns. These are brought back into the body by means of rotating and gentle movements. The body is shown, as it were, how it can move in the right way, this is picked up by the nervous system and in this way new connections are made in your 'brain map'. As a natural consequence, certain complaints disappear and the new patterns are installed as the new normal.
It is never too early or too late to start a Movement lesson, preferably sooner rather than later. ☺